Programs & Services
We provide counseling and assistance in resolving housing problems for individuals and families faced with landlord/tenant crises, mortgage default, homelessness, and those who need pre-rental and pre-purchase counseling to find suitable affordable housing. Included in the landlord/tenant crises are rights and responsibilities, rent payment, increases, services, and eviction.
We investigate bona fide allegations of housing discrimination on behalf of victims of discrimination whose rights under the U.S. Fair Housing Act have been violated and to bring appropriate judicial or administrative action. We provide advice and information regarding U.S. Housing and Urban Development Section 8 programs and federally assisted housing complexes.
Federal and State laws prohibit discrimination in housing based on race, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, familial status or disability. If you suspect unlawful discrimination in your efforts to rent, purchase, finance, or reside in housing in the Long Island area, or if you need housing counseling or additional information about fair housing laws, please contact our agency.